Here's just a small sampling of the our ongoing church plant.
Hato Mayor, del rey- Dominican Republic.
Meet Asnel
We are so excited introduce to you Asnel Pierre Jean. In the last couple of years we have found ourselves with an amazing opportunity to partner with Pastor Asnel and his congregation. Pastor Asnel lives in a small community on the North Side of Hato Mayor Del Rey, Dominican Republic.
Pastor Asnel has served this congregation for 4 years. He has a great desire to see God glorified in the village he has been called to pastor. Asnel has been evangelizing between Haiti and the Dominican Republic since 2007 when his ministry started. He states “for me, the church is good for the community and also the way people come to Christ and that is the way we can bring the soul to Jesus Christ.”
Asnel says his community is “very happy for the church” according to pastor Asnel. He states it is helping people overcome drugs and other bad choices.
When we met Pastor Asnel, his congregation was meeting in a building constructed of tin and branches, on property Pastor Asnel was personally renting. The land owner abruptly decided the land was no longer available for rent and the church would need to move out, leaving this congregation without a place to meet.
We believe that together we have a means to provide a home for the the Church of God as well as a home for Pastor Asnel. It was our goal to raise $17,000 to begin this project, God provided in a mighty way and not only was the money donated but the church has been almost completely constructed and land purchased has provided for a small house to be built for Pastor Asnel in the future.
We are excited to provided a stable home for this congregation to live out their mission in their community. Asnel and his congregation members have done almost all of the building construction themselves and take so much pride in being able to have a place for their community to gather. We can’t wait to see the way God uses this church in a desolate land.