Rise Up Ministries was formed out of missionary work that was started by Jessica Cyphert. At 21 years old, Jessica left everything she knew to go to a foreign land to serve the people of the Dominican Republic. As a true servant with a sincere love for the people of the Dominican, she developed relationships with many people that blossomed into great opportunities for long-term ministry. Jessica and a small group of leaders began to organize mission trips to the DR beginning in 2014. In addition to short-term mission trips, God has opened many doors to establish long-term relationships with pastors and churches.
As the ministry continued to progress it became clear that a nonprofit ministry needed to be formed. In 2018 Rise Up Ministries was officially recognized as a nonprofit, 501c3 organization. Out of this, we have had the opportunity to construct two church buildings, a parsonage, and lead training opportunities for many church leaders.
We are committed to the declaration of God’s glory among the nations. We are humbled and blessed by the opportunities the Lord has provided for us to serve Him and the people of the Dominican Republic.
We believe:
· the Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word and is the standard for all Christians
· in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
· man sinned and fell short of the glory of God
· Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary; lived a sinless life; died a vicarious death; arose through a triumphant resurrection; sits on the right hand of God; and lives to make intercession as man’s only means of salvation
· sanctification is a second definite work of grace, subsequent to salvation, which enables us to live a life of holiness which is the standard and norm for every Christian; the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit is a holy life empowered to witness and not an unintelligible language or unknown tongue
· the church of God is the bride of Christ into which every believer is born and that here all born again believers are united in one great Christian family of which Christ is the head
· being born again and added to the church of God places us into the Kingdom of God, which is a present-day spiritual reality and not reserved for a future kingdom or millennial reign
· in water baptism by immersion; the Lord’s Supper; and feet washing; which are all commands of our Lord, to be obeyed and practiced by those who have been born again
· in the Biblical doctrine of Divine physical healing which is provided by faith to the believer
· in the practice of tithing through the local church as commanded by God in the Scriptures
· “he who stands firm to the end will be saved”; being born again does not exempt a person from choosing to backslide and be lost
· in the personal second coming of Christ to this word to end time, resurrect the dead, judge the world, receive the church unto Himself, and to usher us all into eternity; and this is not a secret rapture
· every Christian is gifted for ministry and not a select few
· the bible teaches that every Christian should witness
· spiritual fruit is produced in the lives of sanctified believers
· marriage is defined by Jesus Christ in Scripture as one genetic man and one genetic woman joined together for life in a covenant founded on unconditional love (Matthew 19:3-9; Genesis 2:2